Thursday, May 26, 2011

Nature and Natural Light

Yesterday, we were given a tutorial on using natural light by one of our fellow Stroller Stride mamas. I love Stroller Strides. It's a great opportunity to meet other moms and our children fellowship (have play dates). Beth is the owner of A.E. Wiley Photography in Clayton, NC. Our session was held at the J.C. Raulston Arboretum in Raleigh, NC. We learned about natural light as the children explored nature around them. It's great to see children enjoy playing with rocks, twigs, hay, flowers, etc. and not have a fit because they couldn't find a button to press that makes a bunch of noise.

One of the first tips that I've learned from Montessori parenting is that the quality of toys should be along the lines of cognitive development and manipulation. I admit that as a first time parent, I wanted to buy everything that made noise (yes, I don't mind noise makers) for Arianna. Thankfully, those toys didn't interest her much. She'd rather take a comb and work pieces of plastic between the teeth of the comb - things like that. I believe she's a lot like her daddy. My husband is great with numbers, decoding projects, and putting anything together. Yes, I have a gem!:) While mommy is great at reading, writing, and arguing how "right" I am. Yes, I'm in for it!

Overall, we had a great time learning about photography and cameras. Funny thing was everyone had these really nice Cannon, Sony, and Nikon cameras. Guess what I brought? My iPhone 4G! LOL! Yes, but I think it takes great pics. I used an app called "Camera+" that gave me the grid to take great shots and other cool bells and whistles for just $1.99. 

Enjoy these pics of Arianna. DISCLAIMER: The best pic (below) was taken by Beth, our instructor. The rest are my iPhone pics. I'm available for services, too! HA!

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