Saturday, October 29, 2011

It's A Halloween to Remember....

Last year was Arianna's first Halloween. But it sucked! *excuse my language. Yes, it was not the best at all. I had to attend an academic conference in Atlanta the entire day. Who does this? Academics tend to procreate beyond the thousand word reflection papers and presentations. Unfortunately, they did not care that I'd just had a baby, loss my dad, and wanted to spend time trick-or-treating through my neighborhood. Such is life. So, my mom accompanied me to Atlanta to watch Arianna. Hubby had to work, of course. But I was determined to do something - anything. So, I dressed her up in her little pumpkin outfit. She was soooo cute. I was stopped in the hotel and in the parking lot of the mall. I'd heard that Lenox Mall would have something. (When I lived in Atlanta, I only shopped at Phipps Plaza bc Lenox was just toooo busy to say the least:) Nothing was going on in the mall. Then I had to turn around and drive back downtown for more sessions.

This year, we have a full weekend planned. Right now it's 4am and I'm awake catching up on homework because we were out at two play dates already in her Halloween costume. We have at least 3 events tomorrow (probably will only do 1-2 of them). Then we have 2 more events on Monday. With that said, I cannot believe she can still fit her costume from last year...LOL! It's a 6-12mo costume from Gymboree. I love my little mini mama. She's about the only person in my family that's petite - ok, except my beautiful older sister graced with the metabolism of fly (three beautiful children and a size 2).
So, check out her little outfit. This is just costume number one. The second costume will be posted Monday evening.

In all that you do, be safe this weekend.

*Pumpkin Fairy tutu, stockings, shoe covers, and bag - Gymboree
*Orange Butterfly Hair Clip - Sweet Baby Place Boutique
*Custom pumpkin - (will ask mom, I believe it was from Michael's)

Friday, October 21, 2011

It's hard to choose....

It's hard to choose a favorite outfit for my Arianna. This is not a model pic, just a pic of her playing on the grounds at the college where I'm working on my PhD. My mom had to attend a funeral back home in Cali and my hubby could only make it to my campus after getting off work. So, yes....Ari came with me to school. Everyone loves her, of course. When everyone began laughing during the lecture, she would laugh at just the right moment - yes, when the laughter had already subsided. LOL! Here is a pic of her playing for 10minutes prior to having to rush to my advisor's office. She's such an inspiration to me and her daddy to pursue our dreams. I believe having her at my hip through the library, readings, lectures is a great start for her.

The jacket and velvet skinny jeans are from Burlington. Thanks mom! The little hair bow is from Mommasbows boutique. Finally, the boots are from a moment of impulse shopping at Target. I was supposed to buy one item and found myself spending $200! I really have to stay out of that place.