Monday, August 1, 2011

To Watch TV or YouTube?

So, I began mommy hood saying that Arianna's eyes would not gaze upon a television until she was 2 years old. That's the suggestion of the American Academy of Pediatrics. The group strongly recommends through their TV viewing guidelines that children should not watch TV until they are 2 years old because of various downsides. One, in particular, says that television lessens a child's ability to focus and more likely to eat junkfood.
Ok, so maybe I'm skewing these guidelines a bit. Arianna loves youtube while she's getting her hair combed or just to watch the same ABC, 123 and Sesame Street videos. Of course, she also loves her flashcards. But I must say - since 15months, she's been able to read (not just sing or repeat) the entire alphabet and her numbers from 1-10! As far as junk food - she hasn't eat meat and rarely has cheese on her veggies. Yes, I'm raising her to be a vegan like her mommy. I'm a strong believer that this will not damage her; like many believe or like to judge. Based on her regular pediatrician appointments, Arianna is extremely fit and I should keep doing what I'm doing.
Lastly, we should remember that all children are different. For some reason, we have a tendency to raise children based on what professionals and nonprofessionals suggest.
Ok, this is the last do you feel about television and children under 2yrs old? Of course, it should not be used as a babysitter, but are there "loop holes" to this study?

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